The first track is a remix by my friend Glen, under his Hunchbakk moniker. And the band he's remixed is one of the least likely bands to ever appear on this blog....yes, it's everybody's favourite The Jam tribute band, The Enemy! They're not that bad really but they've released seven (SEVEN) songs from their album. I suppose it's possible that all these tracks are single worthy but, less is more? In lieu of their single release this week of 'This Song', Glen was nice enough to send me his remix of the track.
It deconstructs the song entirely, rebuilding it in a Missy Elliot meets Massive Attack manner, complete with a political slant. Well worth a listen. If you enjoy Glen's "dubstep influenced electronic indie" (as he calls it!) then you could do yourself a favour by popping along to the Hunchbakk myspace [link] and listening to his other stuff.
The Enemy - This Song (Hunchbakk's Youth Of Today Remix) [Yourfilehost download]//[Sendspace mirror]

Now for a track that I've been listening to LOADS over the last few days. Firstly, thanks to Panda Toes [link] for putting it on their blog. Secondly, because they had put the track up recently, I was in two minds about featuring it here. I try to feature predominantly new stuff here so I wasn't sure whether I should bother putting the track up after it's already had such an impact. But what the hoo-hah, it's hardly going to turn into the Vampire Weekend clusterfuck that ruined the Hype Machine for a couple of weeks. Although some smart arse will probably point I helped contribute to that, which is true. But at least I posted a radio session which was unavailable anywhere but my blog!
Anyways, so it's a mash-up by DJ Sunderland, who I didn't realise was behind 'Supermassive Mandy', the Spinto Band vs Muse mash up of yesteryear. In fact, DJ Sunderland's done quite a few good things and check his MySpace for dozens of mash ups. But none of them are quite as good as the one I'm about to post. This is a Bloc Party vs The Ting Tings. Now I said earlier in the year that I wasn't much of a fan of The Ting Tings; and I'm not but the lyrics are quite catchy and I can certainly relate to them! You'd be surprised how many people get my amazingly difficult (it must be, it has FOUR letters in it) name wrong. And well, I just love the electro vibe of Flux so it's a nice mix.
DJ Sunderland - That's Not My Name (Bloc Party vs The Ting Tings mash-up) [Yourfilehost]//[Sendspace mirror]